Dana Bashs (sp?) comment at the Democrat convention comes to mind. She said Men who vote Democrat are low testosterone. To use a popular cultural term "soy boy". Basically a man who can easily be controlled by a woman. There was no outcry against this sexist statement. Most likely because of its accuracy. If you want to know what the Democrat party thinks of heterosexual white men (& boys), read Bidens Whitehouse policy paper on Gender. They are not even an afterthought.

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I agree with your points -- I wrote about Dana Bash's comment last week (it's offensive), and I wrote about Biden's White House Gender Policy Council document both in an earlier post and in my book (Chapter 2). The Democrats could do a lot better in their support for men.

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I’ll be sure to check out your book! Thanks for shining light on the issues.

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The Slate article not only calls young men "stupid' - it also doubles down on the stereotype of young men as stupid & useless by describing them as "Americans who are about as likely to help him—even if they like his style—as they are to 'help' with the laundry at their parents’ house." We REALLY need to move beyond these tired stereotypes & collectively agree that stereotyping boys & men is as unacceptable as stereotyping any other group of people.

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Amen, Jennifer! The type of language used in the Slate article is not helpful. I was very annoyed when I came across it! I couldn't imagine them publishing a piece with the genders reversed.

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The last thing boys (or anyone!) want to be called is stupid.

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Doesn't class make a difference here? When I look at the unhappiest cohort in American politics it's working class men. Mostly white but here and there blacks and hispanics feel that democrats have left them. I think this is because masculinity differs from class to class and with the parties sorting themselves out along class lines it's been difficult for dems to reach men who are alienated by elites that fail to recognize this.

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