It was disturbing to watch Biden threaten the conservative members of the Supreme Court of the United States. Go back and listen to his words and the threatening way he looks over at them. Does anyone remember the madman who showed up around Justice Kavanuagh's house with a gun? Does anyone remember the hundreds of people protesting outside Kavanaugh's house, a violation of federal law. Would anyone stand for hundreds of protestors outside Biden's Delaware beach house? Of course not. And we should not.

Regardless of one's opinion about choice (which is what it is), let's stop calling abortion reproductive rights. It's not reproductive. It's literally destructive. Would it be accurate to call it legal feticide as a way to distinguish it from say an aborted fetus that is dead in the womb?

Sure, people will mention the rare abortion that is a result of something uncommon. Let's not kids ourselves. Most abortions are "oops" moments. Mind you, this is happening at a time when reproduction in the United States is down. And, how many women regret having abortions? Does the President ever bring them into the oval office and then discuss it in a state of the union. Not a popular thing to do.

According to a recent CDC study, "Of 226 women reporting a history of abortion, 33% identified it as wanted, 43% as accepted but inconsistent with their values and preferences, and 24% as unwanted or coerced. Only wanted abortions were associated with positive emotions or mental health gains. All other groups attributed more negative emotions and mental health outcomes to their abortions. Sixty percent reported they would have preferred to give birth if they had received more support from others or had more financial security."


"Perceived pressure to abort is strongly associated with women attributing more negative mental health outcomes to their abortions. The one-third of women for whom abortion is wanted and consistent with their values and preferences are most likely over-represented in studies initiated at abortion clinics. More research is needed to understand better the experience of the two-thirds of women for whom abortion is unwanted, coerced, or otherwise inconsistent with their own values and preferences" (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10257365/).

While Biden promises to "have the backs of trans" youth with surgeries European countries are abandoning, he dismisses boys and men who are dying of diseases of despair in record numbers and struggling in schools across the country.

I do have one simple question for every person who has a son or cares for equal rights. Whose Title IX Office would you trust if your son had to face allegations, Biden's or Trump's? That probably tells you all you need to know about the rule of law in the United States.

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Thanks for your comment Sean. You bring up a lot of interesting points. The Title IX question is an important one, as there continues to be a lot of misinformation around that. Most people don't realize that Title IX prohibits discrimination against anyone on the basis of sex at educational institutions receiving federal funding, and that includes men and boys. Most people think it's for women and girls only. Biden's policies in this arena have faced broad criticism, especially the lack of due process on campus. Again, I feel like Biden had an opportunity to listen to men and support them here.

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I too was offended and shocked by Biden's attack on the Justices. This issue of abortion, as we know, is very complex. It should be addressed more intelligently and in a more sensitive manner, way more sensitive manner than Biden demonstrated with his vague and angry generalities.

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I agree that the abortion issue is complex, and one difference I notice is more extreme stances. For instance, Bill Clinton used to say he wanted to keep abortion "Safe, legal, and rare" so there was some acknowledgment that even if it's legal, let's try to minimize it by preventing the necessity in the first place. Now, that part of the conversation seems to be gone.

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Good article Mark. Well-written. I appreciate your tone of discussion. I am, as I've mentioned before, a supporter of RFK JR. But I am always interested in many points of view, especially intelligent analysis as you have presented here. Thanks for your time in writing these articles and sending them to me.

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