I found myself explaining this - "How would you not expect young men to lean conservative when the Democrats largely do not even speak to them?" - to a female colleague this week who genuinely didn't understand what young men might see in Trump. (I also recommended your book to her!)

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Thanks for recommending the book! I think for some, it's hard to realize that boys and young men today have only heard messaging for the last few years which has tended to be unbalanced. For instance, the Democratic Party Platform which I discussed last week mentions girls 6 times but doesn't mention boys once! I would like to see more balance in the messaging.

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This particular colleague doesn't have children & lives in an urban, largely liberal area. I can see how a person like that may not be aware of these issues (which is part of why it'd be great if BOTH major political parties in the US were talking about boys' & men's issues, in addition to girls' & women's issues)

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